miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009


“...There's this enormous capacity not to recognize anything until it's gone. That is actually the history of the American rock press - they're never quite there. They were never there for Patti Smith. They were never there when the Ramones were making incredible records. They were never there for the New York Dolls. For Motley Crue, yes, but not for the New York Dolls." Steven Morrissey. Alternative Press, interview by Lorraine Ali. February 1993.

“...Hay esta enorme capacidad de no reconocer nada hasta que se ha ido. Ésa es realmente la historia de la prensa americana de rock - ellos nunca estuvieron allí. Nunca estuvieron allí para Patti Smith. Nunca estuvieron allí cuando los Ramones hacían álbumes increíbles. Nunca estuvieron allí para los New York Dolls. Para Motley Crue, sí, pero no para los New York Dolls." Steven Morrissey. Alternative Press, entrevista de Lorraine Ali. Febrero de 1993.

Morrissey - Irish Blood, English Heart

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